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케로셀 트레이딩은 2009년 설립이래 100여개의 점포를 가진 대한민국의 대기업 리테일러부터 개인소유의 편집매장까지 대기업부터 중소기업과 거래를 하며, 50여개의 이탈리아, 유럽 브랜드를 국내시장에 유통시켰습니다. 축적된 홀세일/유통 데이터를 바탕으로 예측할 수 있게 되었습니다. 


쇼룸에서 바이어의 "감"으로 스스로 제품을 결정해야 하는 기존의 바잉 방식에서 "실전경험"을 바탕으로 판매율을 더 높일 수 있는 세컨드 오피니언, 프로모션(PB상품 및 해외 생산대행) 및 마케팅 지원 능력이 케로셀 트레이딩의 특장점입니다. 

케로셀 트레이딩 대표, 전희욱      

"Why should YOU be working with Carousel Trading?" 

You would probably be asking yourself when you are considering working with us for the first time. Since 2009, Carousel Trading has been excellent in matching clients with potential brands from Italy and Europe, while converting unknown brands into mainstream brands in Korea. Our client list is the longest in Korea from individual stores to the largest corporations such as Shinsegae International, Samsung C&T, Hyundai Dept, LF Corp, Handsome, Kolon F&C and several others, not forget to mention that these client retails from classical mood to street mood. From this in-depth experience with corporation clients, we provide the most precise and strategic suggestions to the clients for every season. Also, we provide the most precise status and local intelligence to our suppliers for them to be able to oversight and understand where to focus. We have experienced and dedicated staff for Korea in our showroom.

In summary, we do not trade garments but we trade opportunities between clients and brands.

Go ahead and let us be your Good Shepherd!

Mr. Hugh Chun,

Owner of Carousel Trading

                  Address  JONGROGU PALPANGIL 25-1, SEOUL, KOREA

                    Tel 02-6959-5533  /  Email


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